Monthly Article Edit Activity Split By Cohort - Matrix
Time taken for the queries to run.
Editors: 3.42455996672(mins)
Sessions: 23.1302269499(mins)
Length of Queryset
Missing Keys: 0
When an article has edits >= 5/month by logged in editors the article is considered active.
Articles are grouped by the month in which they were created - article cohort.
X-axis No of Edit sessions, Y-axis(article cohort)
Each row in a column gives the contribution in percentage of the row(article group) in the column(month). Eg: (Jan 05, Feb 05) gives the % of edit activity on the article group(row) Jan 05 in the month(column) of Feb 05
The selector lets you filter the graph by percentage. The default selection is 0% - 100%.